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http://www.100md.com 《中国民康医学》 2006年第4期
     【摘要】 目的:探讨吉妮固定式宫内节育器(Gynefix IN)的临床效果及放置方法。方法: 于月经干净后及人工流产后立即放置吉妮固定式宫内节育器。 结果:98例经1年随访观察,子宫出血及腰骶部酸痛等副作用发生率低。从终止情况98例妇女中带器妊娠率为0,月经量增多2例,均为产后哺乳期,月经未复潮前放置。点滴出血4例,经对症处理后好转。本组无自然脱环及子宫穿孔。结论:吉妮固定式宫内节育器避孕效果好,出血及疼痛等副作用发生率低,特别适用于易脱环者及带器妊娠者,是一种值得推广的新型节育器。

    【关键词 】 固定式;节育器;避孕

    The Clinical observation to placement of Gynefix IUD (Intrauterine Device).

    JIN Rui-ling, SHEN Su-fang

    (The Third Affiliated Hospital of Xinxiang Medical College, Henan 453000, China)

    【Abstract】 Objective:To discuss the clinical results and placement methods of Gynefix IUD. Methods:Place the Gynefix IUD immediately after the menstrual flow or induced abortion.Results: Through the observation of 98 cases over a period of one year, studies revealed that the rate of uterus bleeding, lower back and sacrum pains were low. None of the women with the Gynefix IUD became pregnant. Two of them increased the amount of menses. The Gynefix IUD were all put in during the lactation period after giving birth and before the menstrual flow. Four of the cases experienced minor bleeding which improved following treatment. There were no incidents of negative side effects such as uterus perforation or automatic loss of the Gynefix IUD.Conclusions: The contraceptive efficacy of Gynefix IUD is very good with the rate of bleeding and menstrual pain minimal. It suits the patients who lose IUD easily or who would become pregnant with IUD. It is thus considered to be a recommended new product. ......

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