【摘要】 目的 探讨中学生自尊发展的特点以及不同社交类型中学生的自尊状况,以便更好地了解中学生的心理特征。方法 采用Coopersmith自尊问卷和同伴提名法,对中学生自尊与社交类型的关系进行调查。结果 不同年级、不同性别中学生自尊得分差别有统计学意义;5种社交类型中学生在总体自尊、一般自我、同伴关系、学业成就得分上差别均无统计学意义,被拒绝型与其他社交类型在亲子关系得分上差别有统计学意义。结论 中学生自尊仍处在发展阶段。亲子关系在自尊发展中起重要作用,而社交类型仅仅是影响中学生自尊发展的一个因素。【关键词】 心理学,医学;人际关系;相互影响分析;学生
SelfEsteem and Social Association Patterns for Middle School Students
Institute of Education Science, Hunan Normal University, Changsha(410081),China
【Abstract】 Objective To explore the characteristics of selfesteem development and selfesteem in different society association patterns among middle school students, and to know their psychological characteristics deeply. Methods By the Coopersmith SelfEsteem Inventory and the method of companionate nomination, the study was conducted to survey selfesteem and social association patterns among middle school students. Results Statistical significance of selfesteem was found in the students in different grades and genders. Overall self, general self, social selfpeers and school academic had no statistical significance among five groups of students with different association patterns. There was statistical significance in parentchild relationship between rejected students and others. Conclusion The middle school students' selfesteem is still developing, parentchild relationship plays an important role in the process. Society association pattern is a factor that influences selfesteem development. ......
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