【摘要】 目的 应用1985年“身高标准体重”和2003年国际生命科学会中国肥胖工作组(WGOC)制定的“中国儿童青少年超重、肥胖BMI分类标准建议”比较静安区中小学生的肥胖状况。方法 2002~2004年,静安区营养监测点7~18岁的学生,分别用1985年“身高标准体重”法和WGOC标准筛选肥胖、超重,比较2种标准筛选出的肥胖学生特征。结果 (1)用身高标准体重、WGOC标准筛选出的肥胖率分别为16.44%和10.51%,超重率分别为12.90%和15.31%;(2)不同年份、不同年龄、不同性别学生中,用2种标准筛选出的肥胖率和超重率存在明显不一致性;有4.41%(734/16 640)的学生用身高标准体重不能进行筛选,其中男生13~17岁组占91.69%(673/734);(3)2种标准筛选的肥胖学生均表现为小学生高于中学生,男生高于女生。结论 随着我国青少年发育的快速变化,1985年身高标准体重已不能客观反映儿童青少年中的肥胖、超重水平,而WGOC标准能很好地区分正常体重、超重、肥胖学生。【关键词】 肥胖症;身高;体重;评价研究;参考标准
Comparison of Two Obesity Criteria Among Primary and Secondary School Students in Jing'an District in Shanghai
GUO Yawen, XU Dalin, ZHOU Zuhua, et al.
Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Jing'an District, Shanghai(200041), China
【Abstract】 Objective To compare the results of obesity status by using weightforheight standard method and the “Body Mass Index (BMI) Reference Norm for Screening Overweight and Obesity in Chinese Children and Adolescents” made by WGOC in 2003. Methods Using weightforheight standard method and reference standard of BMI made by WGOC, a crosssectional assessment of obesity and overweight was carried out in monitoring school students (aged 7-18 ) in Jing'an District, Shanghai. Two groups of obesity students' characteristics were compared with each other. Results 1) By using weightforheight method and BMI, the prevalence rates of obesity were 16.44% and 10.51% and the prevalence rates of overweight were 12.90% and 15.31%. 2) The prevalence rates of obesity and overweight were significantly different using the two methods. There were 4.41% (734/16 640)of the students unable to be screened using weightforheight method and 91.69%(673/734) were boys aged 13-17. 3)There were more obesity students in primary schools than in middle schools, and more obesity students in boys than in girls with two both criteria. Conclusion Weightforheight standard in 1985 can not correctly reflect the status of obesity and overweight in children and adolescents, and BMI criteria made by WGOC in 2003 is a more scientific method in screening normal, overweight and obesity students. ......
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