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http://www.100md.com 《中华现代护理学杂志》 2006年第8期
     【摘要】 目的 提高护理人员的急救技能和护理质量。方法 将头脑风暴法应用于死亡病例的护理讨论中,充分发挥各护理人员的智慧,提出问题,解决问题。结果 头脑风暴法充分调动了护理人员的积极性,有效地提升了护理质量。结论 将头脑风暴法引入死亡病例的护理讨论中,有利于规范护理行为,保障护理安全,提高急救、护理质量。

    【关键词】 头脑风暴法;死亡病例;护理讨论

    Brain storming in nursing discussion of dead cases in emergency section

    ZHOU Jianying.

    Nursing Section,Songjiang District Central Hospital of Shanghai,Shanghai 201600,China

    【Abstract】 Objective to improve the firstaid skills of nurses and enhance nursing quality.Methods We apply brain storming in nursing discussion of dead cases,all the nurses do their best to put forward the problems and find the way to solve problems.Results Brain storming can effectively improve the nurses positivity,as a result,nursing quality is effectively enhanced.Conclusion The application of brain storming in nursing discussion of dead cases is beneficial for standardizing nursing activity,ensuring nursing safety,enhancing firstaid skills and nursing quality.

    【Key words】 brain storming;dead cases;nursing discussion

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