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http://www.100md.com 《河北医学杂志》 2006年第4期
     摘 要:目的:应用BTX-A治疗面颈部皱纹,观察其效果。方法:用生理盐水2~3ml,稀释BTX-A 100U,多点注射治疗额纹,眉间纹,鱼尾纹,鼻背纹,口周纹及颈阔肌纹。结果:共262例患者,治疗有效率达100%。结论:BTX-A注射用于面颈部皱纹治疗,操作方法简单、损伤小、安全、有效。

    关键词: BTX-A; 面部皱纹; 颈部皱纹

    Application of BTX-A for the Treatment of Facial Wrinkles

    and Neck Wrinkles:262 cases Report

    ZHU Qian, HUANG Xun

    (The Second People’s Hospital of Shenzhen City,Guangdong Shenzhen 518031, China)

    Abstract:Objective:To treat the patients with BTX-A for facial wrinkles and neck wrinkles and observe the effect. Method:Dilution was obtained by adding with 2~3ml normal saline to 100U of BTX-A, BTX-A were used to treat facial wrinkles and neck wrinkles through multi-point injective methods. Result:There are 262 cases under the treatment, the effective rate was 100%. Conclusion:BTX-A in the facial wrinkles and neck wrinkles is effective, safe and convenient.

    Key words: BTX-A; Facial wrinkles; Neck wrinkles

    衰老是一种自然规律 ......

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