【摘要】 目的:探讨宫腔镜、腹腔镜联合手术治疗输卵管积水的安全性和疗效。方法:在腹腔镜下行输卵管伞端造口术、成形术后,在宫腔镜下行输卵管插管通液术。结果:286例患者均顺利完成两镜联合手术,无不良并发症发生,手术成功率8252%,手术时间50~130min,平均90min,出血量20~120min,平均70ml。153例随访一年,随访率535%,术后妊娠73例,占随访病例的477%,其中宫内妊娠流产18例,输卵管妊娠6例;其余80例术后随访1年仍未孕经HSG检查发现输卵管积水6例,占75%。结论:宫腹腔镜联合手术治疗输卵管积水患者创伤小、效果好、康复快,可替代开腹手术。【关键词】 宫腔镜;腹腔镜;输卵管积水
Laparoscopy combined with hysteroscopy in the treatment of hydrosalpinx:with a report of 286 cases
HU Hongwen,GAO Ran,ZHANG Yanping,et al.
Kunming Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital,Kunming 650031,China
【Abstract】 Objective:To evaluate the value and safety of laparoscopy combined with hysteroscopy in the treatment of hydrosalpinx.Methods:After performing neosalpingostomy by laparoscopy the hydrotubation was performed by hysteroscopy.Results:286 cases had been operated successfully,no complications occured,6 cases of salpingectomy had been performed,12 cases of abdominal tuberculosis were diagnosed.The successful rate of laparoscopic surgery was 82.52%,the mean operative time was 90 minutes,mean blood loss was 70ml.153 cases of neosalpingostomy were followed up,the follow up rate was 57.08%,and the mean follow up time was 12 months,73 patients were intrauterine pregnancy,18 cases were abortion,and 6 patiens were ectopic pregnancy.80 patients were not pregnant of which 6 cases were hydrosalpinx 1 year after operation.Conclusions:Laparoscopy combined with hysteroscopy can not only diagnose the cause of infertility but also cure some patients,It has advantages of simplicity,minimal invasion and rapid recovery. ......
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