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http://www.100md.com 《四川精神卫生》 2006年第2期
     【摘要】目的 探讨强迫与焦虑的关系。方法 采用Foa的分类,将100例强迫症患者按焦虑程度(SCL-90焦虑因子)分为三组进行比较分析。结果 100例患者中伴焦虑者占79%,伴抑郁者占74%;高焦虑组病程长于低焦虑组(P<005);Foa分型中,高焦虑组以Ⅰ、Ⅱ和Ⅵ型多见;临床表现以强迫恐惧的焦虑分高于污染/检查、强迫意象/表象、强迫思考、强迫性犹豫不决和强迫观念(P<001)。结论 强迫症与焦虑的关系确有Foa等提出的八种临床类型;强迫症患者伴焦虑的程度并不完全取决于病程,而是致焦虑性强迫想法与减焦虑性强迫反应相互作用的结果。

    【关键词】 强迫症 焦虑 临床症状 临床类型

    A clinical analysis of the relationship of obsessivecompulsive disorder with anxiety.

    LI Peiyi,XU Junmian.

    The 4th People’s Hospital ,Shantou,Guangdong 515021,China

    【Abstract】Objective The purpose of the study was to analyse the relationship of obsessivecompulsive disorder with anxiety and investigate the method of psychotherapy.Methods All patients were diagnosed according to the CCMD-2-R criteria for obsessivecompulssive disorder (OCD).SCL-90 was administered in 100 patients with OCD,who were divided into high anxiety,low anxiety and no anxiety subgroups according to cutoff point of subscore.Results 79% of OCD patients were found with anxiety and 74% with depressions.The OCD course in the high anxiety subgroup was significantly longer than that in the low anxiety group (P<005).According to Foa’s OCD typology,the patient in high anxiety subgroup were more in the clinical type Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅵ.Conclusion The results suggest that there are eight types of OCD with anxiety.The severity of anxiety in OCD is not only according to their OCD course.There is the compositive interation of obsessions and compulsions to induce their anxiety symptoms. ......

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