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http://www.100md.com 《咸宁学院学报(医学版)》 2005年第6期
     摘要:目的 hMLH1是位于3p2321.3上的一个DNA错配修复基因,有研究认为MLH1的缺失较为多见,本研究旨在了解食管鳞癌中MLH1基因杂合性丢失情况。 方法 用微卫星分析法检测食管鳞癌中MLH1基因丢失情况。结果 66.7%的受检食管鳞癌在MLH1基因内STS标志D3S1611位点表现为杂合性丢失。结论 食管鳞癌中MLH1存在较高的等位基因丢失,MLH1可能是食管鳞癌基因改变的靶点。


    The Aanalysis of Allelic Loss of MLH1 Gene in Esophageal Squamous Cell Ccarcinoma

    LIU Fuxing, WANG Mingrong,XU Xin, et al

    (National Laboratory of Molecular Oncology, Cancer Institute , Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences , Beijing 100021,China)

    ABSTRACT:Objective hMLH1 was one of DNA mismatch repair genes and located in 3p23~21.3. It was reported that allelic deletion of MLH1 gene was frequent among mismatch repair system. The study was to observe the loss of heterogeneity (LOH) of MLH1 gene in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC). Methods Microsatellite analysis was used to detect the allelic loss of MLH1 in ESCC. Results LOH in D3S1611, a introgenic marker of MLH1, was observed in 66.7% of tumors. Conclusion LOH of MLH1 was common in ESCC. MLH1 may be a target of damage in a fraction of mismatchrepairdeficient in ESCC. ......

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