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http://www.100md.com 《咸宁学院学报(医学版)》 2006年第2期
     摘要:目的 寻找不同类型宫颈糜烂最佳的治疗方法。方法 将324例宫颈糜烂患者(单纯型64例,颗粒型103例,乳突型157例)随机分成3组,分别采用奥平栓加CO2激光、奥平栓联合CO2激光进行治疗,分析各组中不同类型的疗效和不良反应。结果 奥平栓加CO2激光组对单纯型宫颈糜烂的疗效显著优于颗粒型(P<0.05)及乳突型(P<0.01);CO2激光对单纯型宫颈糜烂的疗效显著优于颗粒型(P<0.05)及乳突型(P<0.01);奥平栓加CO2激光组对乳突型宫颈糜烂的治愈率在3种疗法中最高(P<0.05)。不良反应以奥平栓最少。 结论 单纯性及乳突型宫颈糜烂以奥平栓加CO2激光治疗效果最好。


    The Aanalysis to the Censitivity of OPINsuppository and Laser Therapy to 324 Cases with Cervical Erosion

    GAN Wangnong,CHEN Xiaojiao

    (Department of Gynecology and Obsterics, the First Affiliated Hospital,Xianning College,Xianning Hubei 437100,China)

    ABSTRACT:Objective To pursue the most effective therapy for cervical erosion of different types. Methods 324 cases of cervical erosion (include 64 cases of simplex type, 103 cases of granule type and 157 cases of papillary type ) were randomly divided into three groups. In groupⅠ(88cases) the patients were treated by OPINsuppository therapy,in group Ⅱ(94 cases) by CO2 laser and in group Ⅲ(142 cases) by combination of the two therapies. The curative effects and sideeffect of three types of erosion were compared among the three groups. Results The effect of the OPINsuppository therapy and CO2 laser to simple type of cervical erosion was significantly better than that to granule or papillary type (P<0.05 ; P<0.01). The similar instance was observed in the process of CO2 laser therapy to the three types of erosion(P<0.05,P<0.01). The curative rate of papillary type by combination therapy (group Ⅲ) was most high than the other two therapy(P<0.05). Among the three therapy, the sideeffect was fewest observed in OPINsuppository therapy. Conclusion The combination therapy of OPINsuppository and CO2 laser was the most effective one for simple or papillary type of cervical erosion among the three therapy. ......

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