摘要:目的:探讨急危重症医学部应用“五常法”对改善医护人员工作环境、病人就诊、住院环境的作用。方法:运用“五常法”对病区环境、工作流程进行管理,并定期检查进行评估。结果:医护人员的工作环境及病人住院环境得到改善, 病人满意度、抢救成功率、物品完好率得到提高,从而提高了工作效率,提高了医院形象。结论:“五常法”是医院科学管理的有效方法,实施易,见效快,值得推广。关键词: 五常法; 急危重症; 应用; 管理
The Application of "5s" managing method in severe acute Disease
WU Jian-hong, SU Hui-ling
(The People's Hospital of Guangdong, Guangdong Guangzhou 510120, China)
Abstract: Objective :To study the result of "5s" in improving the working condition. The patients in hospitalized. in the department of severe and acute medicine.Method: The "5s" managing method were applied in the environment of unit and working process,and evaluate the result periodicaly.Result:The result showed that the new status were appeared. the environment were improved for the medical staff and patients and there's great satisfaction for the patients. Conclusion: It's a scientific managing method for hospital and It's easy and worth spreading.
Key words: "5s" method; Severe acute disease; Application; Managing
“五常法”是用来改善品质环境 ......
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