[摘要] 美国国立医学图书馆出版的Index Medicus/ MEDLINE / PubMed(《医学索引》)是当今世界上最常用的权威生物医学文献检索系统。2004年版的“Index Medicus收录期刊名单”中收录期刊4 098种,其中有中国大陆和香港期刊70种,台湾期刊9种。《中西医结合学报》于2003年5月创刊,2004年8月被《医学索引》收录。本文介绍了《医学索引》选刊的标准和程序、对期刊的收录方法及其目前收录中国期刊的情况,并介绍了《中西医结合学报》被《医学索引》收录的体会。[关键词] 医学索引;期刊;医学期刊;中西医结合学报
Journal selection and indexing for Index Medicus and Chinese periodicals indexed in Index Medicus
ZHOU QingHui, LING ChangQuan, BAI YuJin, YIN HuiXia
(Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Changhai Hospital, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China)
ABSTRACT Index Medicus/MEDLINE/PubMed published by U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM) is the most important and commonly used biomedical literature retrieval system in the world. According to the “List of Journals Indexed in Index Medicus (2004)”, 4 098 journals are indexed for Index Medicus, including 70 journals from mainland China and Hong Kong and 9 journals from Taiwan. Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine established in May, 2003 is indexed in Index Medicus in 2004. This article outlines the critical elements of journal selection for Index Medicus/MEDLINE and the journal selection process for indexing at NLM, and introduces some measures for the Journal of Chinese Integrative Medicine being indexed in Index Medicus/MEDLINE. ......
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