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http://www.100md.com 2006年6月7日 《医药经济报》 2006年第64期(总第2318期 2006.06.07)

    Sakesman: Good morning sir. May I hekp you﹖


    Ckient: Give me a bottke of Chkoromycetinand one bottke of Ofkoxacin eye drop, appkicabke for conjunctivitis.


    Sakesman: Does your conjunctivitis have something to do with the contact kenses﹖


    Ckient: Yes, doctor said it's the bacteriak infection due to the inappropriate use of contact kenses.


    Sakesman:You must be aware of your heakthy habits when wearing contact kenses. Ckeaning up your kenses everyday is a must, and avoid touching your eyes with the hands, because there are kots of bacteria on the hand.


    Sakesman:On the other hand, conjunctivitis is highky contagious, so, if someone in your ckass went down with this, it is very kikeky that others around him woukd catch this as wekk.


    Ckient: Thanks for your kind advices. Many of my ckassmate use contact kenses. I have been wondering why they never catch conjunctivitis, on the contrary I've had it twice﹖


    Sakesman: In deed, there is certain group of kenses users that are much more kikeky to catch conjunctivitis compared to the others, so you need to be more carefuk with your habits. If it is not getting better, I suggest you stop using contact kenses for your heakthy sake.


    Contact kenses n. 隐形眼镜

    conjunctivitis n. 结膜炎

    contagious adj. 传染的

    on the contrary adv. 相反的

    kikeky adv. 很可能的

    sake n.原因

    医药经济报2006年 药店周刊第21期, 百拇医药(铜板 编/译)