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ICOS Fc在CHO细胞中的稳定表达
http://www.100md.com 《第四军医大学学报》 2005年第11期
     Stable expression of ICOS/Fc in CHO cells

    DU JunFeng1, WANG WeiZhong1, ZHUANG Ran2, WANG ChunYan2, GUAN WenXian1

    1Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery, Xijing Hospital, 2Department of Immunology, School of Basic Medicine, Fourth Military Medical University, Xian 710033, China

    【Abstract】 AIM: To study the stable expression of pICOS/Fc fusion protein expression vector in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells and to purify and identify its expression product in vitro. METHODS: Expression vector pICOS/Fc and resistance plasmid pEGFP were cotransfected into CHO cells with electroporation. The selective medium containing G418 was then employed to select the positive colony. After repeating cloning culture and double antibody sandwich ELISA detection, the cell clones with stable expression were obtained. After purified with protein A affinity chromatography, the product was studied with SDSPAGE and Western blotting to determine its molecular weight, purity and antigen specificity. RESULTS: CHO cell clones stably expressing pICOS/Fc fusion proteins were obtained and the fusion protein was available from the supernatant of cell culture media after purified with protein A affinity chromatography. A protein band with molecular weight of 70 KDa was found in the SDSPAGE. This protein specifically bound with antihuman Fc monoclonal antibody labeled HRP. CONCLUSION: Recombined mouse ICOS/Fc fusion protein with antigen specificity is successfully and stably expressed in CHO cells. ......

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