[摘要] 目的:观察胃癌患者围手术期使用中药大黄对急性炎性反应的调理作用。方法:采用前瞻性、随机、单盲、对照研究,将31例胃癌手术患者随机分为对照组(肠内营养组)14例和研究组(大黄加肠内营养组)17例。研究组术前、术后第1、2天经鼻饲管给予中药大黄,两组患者手术后36 h开始给予等热量、等氮肠内营养支持6 d。术前1天,术后第1、3、7天分别检测血清C反应蛋白(Creactive protein, CRP)、白细胞介素6(interleukin 6, IL6)、肿瘤坏死因子α(tumor necrosis factorα, TNFα)等急性炎性反应指标及血清白蛋白、前白蛋白、转铁蛋白等营养指标。结果:两组患者术后均有急性炎性反应的发生及营养指标的下降,但研究组术后第3、7天的CRP、IL6、TNFα水平较对照组有显著下降,术后排气、排便时间和肠鸣音的恢复显著提前。术后的营养指标两组患者间无明显差异。结论:胃癌患者围手术期应用大黄可以缓解急性炎性反应,促进术后胃肠道功能恢复,有利于实施术后肠内营养支持。[关键词] 胃肿瘤; 大黄; 细胞因子; 肠道营养
Effects of perioperative administration of rhubarb on acute inflammatory response in patients with gastric cancer
CAI Jun, XUAN ZhengRong, WEI YongPing, YANG HaiBo, WANG Hua
(Department of General Surgery, Longhua Hospital, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai 200032, China)
ABSTRACT Objective:To observe the effect of perioperative administration of rhubarb on the acute inflammatory response in patients with gastric cancer. Methods: In this prospective, singleblinded, controlled clinical trial, thirtyone patients with gastric cancer operatively treated were randomly divided into two groups, with 14 patients in control group and 17 in study group. Patients in both groups were given an isocaloric and isonitrogenous enteral diet. The enteral diet was started 36 hours after operation, and continued for 6 days. Patients in the study group were fed with rhubarb before operation, and at 1 day and 2 days after operation. Indexes of acute inflammatory response such as serum Creactive protein (CRP), interleukin6 (IL6) and tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα), and indexes of nutritional status such as serum albumin (ALB), prealbumin (PA) and transferrin (TRF) were measured before operation, and at 1 day, 3 and 7 days after operation. Results: Patients in both groups had acute inflammatory response, and the indexes of nutritional status decreased after operation. IL6, CRP and TNFα tested at 3 and 7 days after operation were lower in the study group as compared with those in the control group, and the recovery time of gastrointestinal motility such as borborygmus, gas elimination and defecation was shorter in the study group as compared with that in the control group. The indexes of nutritional status showed no significant differences between two groups after operation. Conclusion:Rhubarb can positively modulate the acute inflammatory response, promote the recovery of postoperative gastrointestinal motility, and benefit enteral nutrition support in patients who have undergone major operations for gastric cancer. ......
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