摘要: 目的: 研究腮腺肿瘤的临床、病理学特点、发病情况,为腮腺肿瘤患者的诊治提供依据。方法:对261例腮腺肿瘤患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析,分析了腮腺肿瘤患者的性别、年龄及组织学分类构成。结果:261例腮腺肿瘤患者中,男性147例(56.32%),女性114例(43.68%),男女之比为1.30∶1;20~29、30~39、40~49、50~59、60~69岁腮腺肿瘤患者分别占15.71%、22.22%、17.62%、16.48%、16.09%;组织学表现:腮腺良性肿瘤212例中多形性腺瘤占54.02%,沃辛瘤占11.49%;恶性肿瘤49例中腺样囊性癌占4.60%,粘液表皮样癌占3.45%。结论: 腮腺肿瘤中良性肿瘤居多,术中快速冰冻有重要临床指导意义,手术是治疗腮腺肿瘤的有效方法。关键词: 腮腺肿瘤; 临床分析; 诊断; 治疗
Analysis on 261 cases of parotid gland tumor
LIU Hui, Adalat Ahmatjan
(Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgerg, First Affiliated Hospital,Xinjiang Medical University,
Urumqi 830054, China)
Abstract: Objective: To analyse the clinical, pathological characteristics and investigate the occurrence of parotid gland tumor. Methods: A retrospective analysis on 261 cases of parotid gland tumors from 1995~2005 with a confirmed pathologic diagnosis was carried out, and analyses the patients from gender, age and the classification of the histology. Results: In 261 cases, 147 males (56.32%), 114 females (43.68%);the ratio of the male and female was 1.30∶1. The ratio of the different age groups (20~29, 30~39, 40~49, 50~59) were 15.71%, 22.22%, 17.62%, 16.48%, 16.09% respectively. Among the benign tumors, the major were polymorphic adenoma (54.02%) and Warthin tumor (11.49%), and among the malignant tumors, most of them were the adenoid cystic carcinoma (4.60%) and the mucoepidermoid carcinoma (3.45%). Conclusions: There are certain laws concerning the occurrence and development of parotid gland tumors, the benign tumor are the most in parotid gland tumors. The frozen section has great value for diagnosis and treatment of parotid gland tumor. The operation is the useful method to cure the parotid gland tumors. ......
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