【摘要】 目的 分析发生药物不良反应患者的一般情况和易感因素,为提高药物不良反应监测的质量和临床合理用药提供参考。方法 以本院2003年1月~2004年12月上报的94例药物不良反应(ADR)报告为对象,采用描述性研究方法,对患者的一般情况、用药情况以及ADR临床表现进行分类统计和分析评价。结果 在94例ADR报告中年龄最大84岁,最小5天。其中,抗生素占67.0%,中药制剂占12.7%,循环系统药物占8.5%。从给药途径看,静脉注射占了75.5%。结论 静脉注射是引起ADR的主要给药途径。应加强抗生素、中药制剂和循环系统药物的ADR监测及合理用药。【关键词】 药物不良反应;回顾性分析
【Abstract】 Objective Our purpose is to use the drugs rationally.Methods From January 1,2003 to December 31,2004. 94 patients with adverse drug reactions (ADR) were reported in our hospital.Their general conditions and susceptive factors were analysed in this paper.Results The eldest of 94 patients with adverse drug reactions was 84 years, the youngest only 5 days.In all the drugs which may result in ADR,antibiotics possesed 67.0%;in turn Chinese herbal medicine was 12.7% and cardiovascular drugs was 8.5%.Seventy-one patients (75.5%) occured ADR after the intravenous administration.Conclusion Most of ADR is caused by the the intravenous administration.The application of antibiotics,Chinese herbal medicine and cardiovascular drugs should be carefully supervised. ......
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