摘 要目的:了解某电厂职业病危害现状并对其控制效果进行评价。 方法:对某电厂进行了劳动卫生学调查,并对其生产性有害因素粉尘、噪声及一氧化碳、二氧化硫、二氧化氮、一氧化氮、二氧化锰、盐酸、硫酸、氢氧化钠、氨、联氨、硫化氢、甲烷等12种有毒物质浓度进行了测定。 结果:粉尘和噪声污染是该厂存在的主要职业病有害因素,其它如NOx、CO、SO2等毒物的危害较小。 结论:在职业病防治工作上,该厂措施得力,防尘、毒、噪设施齐全,总体评价结果符合国家卫生标准,但在部分岗位仍有粉尘和噪声污染超标情况,尚需加强治理。
关键词 电厂; 职业病;危害;评价
中图分类号 R1351+4
Analysis and Evaluation of Present Situation of Occupation Disease Harm in A Power Plant
LIU Yajing,WANG Zhiying,XU Xiaorong
(Prevention and Health Centre of BaoGang,Baotou 014010,China)
Abstract Objective:To evaluate the present situation of occupation disease harm in a power plant and its control effect.Methods: The labor hygiene investigation was made in a power plant and such harmful things produced in the process of production were determined as dust,noise,carbon monoxide,carbon dioxide,sulphur dioxide,nitrogen monoxide,etc. Results: The dust and noise are the main harmful factors of that occupation disease exist in this plant, the other's such as NOx, CO, SO2 etc are less harmful. Conclution:As for the prevention and cure of occupational disease, the factory's measures are efficient, the facilities of preventing dust,poison,noise are complete, the total evaluation result conforms to the national hygiene standard.But dust and noise levels are beyond the limit in some posts,and need to be lowered ......
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