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http://www.100md.com 《中国矫形外科杂志》 2006年第8期
     建立海岸及海水中兔肢体关节爆炸模型,观察爆炸伤的组织学改变。[方法]健康家兔112只,随机分为预实验组(A组,n=36),分别以03、06、09、12 g单质猛炸药黑索金(RDX)铜壳小型爆炸装药捆绑于兔膝关节前外侧,电引爆,测量比较肢体关节炸伤情况;海岸实验组(B组,n=56),09 g RDX铜壳小型爆炸装药引爆,伤口包扎后浸入海水中1 h;海水中实验组(C组,n=20),09 g RDX铜壳小型爆炸装药捆绑于兔膝关节前外侧,浸入海水中、电引爆。B组炸伤后、海水浸泡后及C组炸伤后分别取肌肉、韧带、滑膜、软骨作组织学观察。[结果]A组比较不同装药量爆炸结果,选定09 g RDX铜壳小型爆炸装药,海绵间隔6 cm软固定于兔膝关节前外侧爆炸,13只兔造成(517±042) cm×(473±041) cm爆炸伤口,铜质爆炸破片侵入伤口内,髌韧带、股骨外髁软骨面不同程度损伤。B组均造成肢体关节开放伤,海水浸泡1 h后组织学观察突出变化是肌肉及滑膜组织水肿、肌肉组织广泛坏死及韧带组织中出现大量Ⅲ型胶原。C组14只兔海水中爆炸,均为肢体关节闭合性爆炸伤,肢体关节高度肿胀,胫股骨多发骨折,爆炸破片深及皮内。组织学观察见肌纤维断裂,肌间血管充血,软骨组织轻度变性,软骨细胞核固缩,核碎裂。[结论]09 g RDX铜壳爆炸装药间隔6 cm固定于兔膝关节前外侧,海岸上爆炸在冲击波和爆炸破片共同作用下造成肢体关节开放爆炸伤,海水浸泡1 h加重了组织肿胀,坏死;海水中爆炸,主要为爆炸冲击波的作用,造成肢体关节闭合性爆炸伤,胫股骨多发骨折,软组织损伤、出血更为严重。

    关键词:爆炸伤; 海岸; 海水中; 组织学

    Experiment study of limb arthrosis explosive wound on the coast and in the seawater∥ZHANG Xuefei,LV Rong,SHI Huiqiang,et al.Department of Orthopaedics,359th Hospital of PLA. Zhenjiang 212001

    Abstract:[Objective]This study is to observe the histological changes of the explosive wound via establishing the model of rabbits'limb arthrosis explosive wound under the condition of coast and seawater respectively.[Method]There were 112 healthy rabbits.All rabbits were randomly divided into beforehand experimental group (group A,n=36),all rabbits were made explosive wound with 0.3g, 0.6g, 0.9g, 1.2g small cuprum shell detonator which were fastened on the forward and outside of the left knee joint of the rabbits.They were explosion with an electric impact. The limb arthrosis explosive wounds complexion were observed and measured;Coast experimental group(group B,n=56):each one was made explosive wound with 0.9 g small cuprum shell detonator which was fastened on the forward and outside of the left knee joint of the rabbit. It was explosion with an electric impact. The wounds were bound up and immersion in seawater 1 hour. Seawater experimental group (group C,n=20):each one was made explosive wound with 0.9 g RDX small cuprum shell detonator which was fastened on the forward and outside of the left knee joint of the rabbit and immersed in the seawater. It was explosion with an electric impact. The histology examination of muscle, ligament,synovial membrane, cartilage were made in group C and B.[Result]The result that made by detonator with different content were contrast. Empty 0.9 g small cuprum shell detonators were chosen and filled in powder. They were fastened on the forward and outside of the left knee joint of the rabbits with 6cm sponge interval.The explosion could made ( 5.17 ± 0.42 ) cm × (4.73 ± 0.41 ) cm explosive wound in 13 rabbits.The fragments of cuprum were intruded into wound and made patella ligament,thighbone cartilage face and femur lateral condyle destroy. B group:all rabbits could be found limb arthrosis open wound. After immersion in seawater 1 hour, the changes on histology were that fascile and synovial membrane tumefaction, muscle cells dropsy and a great deal of collagen Ⅲ. C group:14 rabbits who were exploded in the seawater could be find limb arthrosis colse wound. The limb arthrosises were strutting badly. The thighbones and shinbone were multifracture. The fragments of cuprum were intruded into the skin. Observation by histological technique had shown that the muscle fibres were broken, the sarcaplasma was dissolved, the vessel between muscles was hyperaemia, denaturalization could find in the parenchyma and the karyopyknosis and karyorhexis happened in the cartilage cells.[Conclusion]0.9g small cuprum shell detonators which were fastened on the forward and outside of the left knee joint of the rabbits with 6cm sponge interval could been exploded,on the coast,the shock wave and fragments could resulte in limb arthrosis open wound.After immersion in the seawater 1 h, the tumefaction and putrescence of the parenchyma was more serious. In the seawater, the main effect ascribed to shock wave.It resulted in limb arthrosis close wound,the thighbones and shinbone were multifracture,the parenchyma and hemorrhage was more serious. ......

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