摘 要 利用电导实验技术,跟踪D354树脂吸附低浓度游离酸的行为,研究了外加盐和乙醇等介质对吸附的影响。实验结果表明,D354树脂吸附低浓度游离酸的过程是遵循单分子层吸附机制进行的,其表观吸附速率常数随着外加盐离子浓度和乙醇浓度的增加而减小。关键词 电导法;介质;D354树脂;吸附;游离酸
Study on the Effect of Media on Adsorption of Free Acid by D354 Resin
CHEN Renhong1, CHEN Bingren2 ,YANG Shaojuan
1.Guangdong Medical and Pharmaceutical School, Guangzhou,Guangdong 510520;2.Dept. of Chemistry South China Normal University,Guangzhou,Guangdong 510631
Abstract The adsorption of low concentration of free acid by D354 resin was followed by electric conductance method. The effect of added salt or ethyl alcohol on adsorption was discussed.The result showed that the adsorption of free acid by D354 resin followed the mechanism of monolayer adsorption and the apparent adsorption rate decreased with the increase in the concentration of added salt or ethyl alcohol.
Key words electric conductance method;media, D354 resin;adsorption;free acid
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