当前位置: 首页 > 期刊 > 《中华现代医院管理杂志》 > 2006年第5期
http://www.100md.com 《中华现代医院管理杂志》 2006年第5期
     Suggestion of strengthening hospital management,controlling medical cost,relieving patients burden

    Zhenquan Zheng

    Abstract The main reasons of patients medical burden going up constantly through investigation are three as folows:first,government lack of enough input,relevant authorities lack of supervision, and hospital urging benefit;second,knowledge not symmetrical,doctor inducing demand,excessive diagnosing and treating;third,hospital lack of effective administration and inefficient,medical cost too high.To strengthen hospital management,control medical cost and relieve patients burden,the author make three suggestions:first,to establish the concept of hospital operation,which cut down the expenditure by government leading;second,to strengthen hospital management,cut off excessive diagnosing and treating,protect the benefit of the patients;third,to control medical cost and cut down the expenditure by hospital cost accounting.

    Key words medical burden;hospital management;medical cost;cut down the expenditure

    Public Health School of Fujian Medical University,Fuzhou 350004,China ......

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