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http://www.100md.com 《时珍国医国药》 2006年第6期
     摘要:目的通过家兔乳腺增生症(HDB)模型的复制,观察疏肝舒乳颗粒(SGSR)对HDB形态学的影响,探讨其治疗HDB的机理。方法采用雌二醇肌肉内注射法,复制家兔乳腺增生症模型,经SGSR干预治疗后,观察动物HDB的形态学改变。依组织增生程度的不同HDB模型被分为正常对照及轻、中、重三级(0Ⅲ)。结果经SGSR治疗后,增生的多层乳腺导管上皮回复为单层柱状上皮,部分上皮发生退行性改变及变性萎缩,同造模组相比,有统计学差异(P<0.01)。结论 疏肝舒乳颗粒是治疗HDB的有效药物,其治疗HDB的机理之一是使乳腺导管上皮及腺上皮发生退行性改变和变性萎缩。

    关键词:疏肝舒乳颗粒; 乳腺增生症; 动物模型; 形态学

    The Morphologic Effects of Shu Gan Shu Ru Granule on the Hyperplastic Disease of Breast of Experimental Rabbit

    WANG Chengxin , LI Yan

    (Cancer Institute of Jianghan University ,Wuhan 430056,China)

    Abstract:ObjectiveTo observe the the morphologic effects of Shu Gan Shu Ru granule (SGSR) on hyperplastic disease of breast (HDB) of experimental rabbits and investigate the mechanism of SGSR to treat HDB, this study was carried out by means of the rabbit model of HDB.MethodsThe method of intramuscular injection of benzoate estradiol on rabbits to duplicate the model of HDB was applied, then the rabbits were treated with SGSR and the morphologic changes of animal HDB were observed. According to the extent of lesion HDB model was divided into normal, mild, moderate and severe degrees (0Ⅲ).ResultsAfter treatment the hyperplastic and dysplastic multi-layer duct epithelia returned normal and part of the epithelia showed atrophic disappearance and there were statistically differences(P<0.01). ConclusionSGSR is an effective drug of treating HDB. One of the treatment mechanism was that it not only restrains the hyperplasia / dysplasia of duct epithelia but also made it retrocession and atrophic changed. ......

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