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张婷婷,徐 文,胡生亮,李 冰,何仲贵
(沈阳药科大学 药学院,辽宁 沈阳110016)
摘要:目的 研制水飞蓟素分散片并考察其体外溶出速度。方法 以水为溶出介质,紫外分光光度法测定溶出液中水飞蓟素的含量,并采用正交设计以90 min水飞蓟素的累积溶出百分率为指标筛选处方。按照《中华人民共和国药典》2005年版附录XC溶出度试验第2法比较自制分散片、进口胶囊和国产片剂在水、盐酸溶液(9→1 000)、pH6.8磷酸盐缓冲液和质量浓度为5 g·L-1的吐温80水溶液中的溶出速度。结果 水飞蓟素分散片的最佳处方中水飞蓟素、微晶纤维素、低取代羟丙纤维素、交联聚维酮、硬脂酸镁的质量分数分别为36%、48.3%、5%、10%、0.5%, 质量浓度为2 g·L-1吐温80水溶液适量。水飞蓟素分散片在4种溶出介质中的溶出速度均快于市售制剂。结论 制得的水飞蓟素分散片较市售制剂提高了水飞蓟素的体外溶出速度,并且质量可控,便于生产。
关键词: 药剂学;溶出度;水飞蓟素;分散片
中图分类号: R944.1 文献标识码: A
Formulation and drug dissolution evaluation of silymarin dispersible tablets
ZHANG Ting-ting , XU Wen , HU Sheng-liang , LI Bing, HE Zhong-gui
(School of Pharmacy, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, Shenyang 110016, China)
Abstract: Objective To design the formulation of silymarin dispersible tablets and evaluate the drug dissolution behaviors. Methods The formulation was optimized based on the orthogonal design. The concentration of silymarin in the dissolution medium was measured using the UV method. According to ChP(2005), Appendix X CII, the dissolution behaviors of silymarin from the silymarin dispersible tablets, silymarin capsules (Legalon® from Germany) and silymarin tablets (Yiganling pian® from China) in the following four mediums: distilled water, hydrochloric acid(9→1 000) ......