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(沈阳药科大学 药学院,辽宁 沈阳 110016)
摘要:目的 研制洛索洛芬钠缓释片并对其释药影响因素进行考察。方法 采用(HPMC)和壳聚糖为基本骨架材料制备了洛索洛芬钠凝胶骨架片,并对羟丙甲基纤维素(HPMC)的规格与用量、黏合剂的种类、制片工艺、制片压力等影响释药的因素进行了考查。结果 HPMC的规格、用量,制片工艺对洛索洛芬钠骨架片的释药产生一定的影响,黏合剂的种类和制片压力对药物的释放几乎无影响。结论 采用HPMC作为基本骨架材料,结合其他辅料,制备了洛索洛芬钠缓释片,缓释效果良好。
中图分类号:R94 文献标识码:A
Studies on loxoprofen sodium sustained release tablets and factors affecting drug release
KONG De-xian,MO Feng-kui, WANG Zhong-yan
(School of Pharmacy,Shenyang Pharmaceutical University,Shenyang 110016, China)
Abstract:Objectives To prepare loxoprofen sodium sustained-release tablets(LS-SRT) and study on its factors affecting drug release. Method The loxoprofen sodium sustained-release tablets were prepared by using HPMC and chitosan as the matrix material . The effects of the viscosity of HPMC , sort of adhensive, amount of HPMC, the preparation methods,and compression force on the release of LS from matrix tablets were observed. Results The viscosity and amount of HPMC, and the preparation methods influcenced the release of LS-SRT to some degree, while the sort of adhensive and compression force had no significant effectts on the release of LS-SRT. Conclusions Combining with other filers, the loxoprofen sodium sustained-release tablets (SRT) is prepared by using HPMC as the matrix material.
Key words: pharmaceutics; sustained release; matrix; loxoprofen sodium