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http://www.100md.com 《中华首席医学网》 2006年第7期
     【摘要】 目的 了解未成年中学生被父母打骂情况,探讨被父母打骂的影响因素及其与青少年心理健康问题的关联,为制定保护儿童策略及其相关研究提供科学依据。 方法 利用1991年5月对北京某中学初一至高三学生不记名伤害问题调查数据,对552名初一至高二年龄未满18岁学生被父母打骂情况进行描述性分析。 结果 在被调查的552名学生中,58.7%报告近1a来有过下列至少1项被父母打或/和责骂的经历:被父亲打(12.1%)、被母亲打(8.0%)、被父亲责骂(46.4%)、被母亲责骂(43.7%)。在近1a内有3项或以上被父母打骂经历的学生,出现自杀意念(32.1%)和饮酒醉过(11.3%)的比例明显高于没有被父母打骂经历的学生(分别为8.3%和1.3%)。 结论 中学生被父母打骂现象普遍。被父母打骂经历与青少年心理健康问题相关。

    【关键词】 虐待;对比研究;因素分析,统计学;学生

    Beating and Scolding by Parents and Its Influencing Factors Among Middle School Students in Beijing/CHEN Jing-qi.Institute of Child and Adoles-cent Health,Peking University,Beijing(100083),China

    【Abstract】 Objective To study the students'experiences of being beaten and scolded by parents,to explore the influencing factors of being beaten and scolded by parents and its association with students'mental health problem.Methods The data on injury surveyed in students in1991were used to an-alyze the situations of parents'maltreatment among552students in grade7-11in a secondary school in Beijing.Results Of552students,58.7%report-ed that they had experienced at least one of the four types of maltreatments during the previous year:beating by fathers(12.1%) ......

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