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http://www.100md.com 《中国矫形外科杂志》 2006年第11期
     摘 要:[目的]介绍一种颈椎后路开门、微形钛板固定的椎板成形术式,评价其在颈椎椎管狭窄手术中的应用效果。[方法]选择27例颈椎管狭窄症患者实施颈椎后路单侧或双侧开门减压、微形钛板固定开门椎板的新术式,术后平均随访27个月。[结果]27例患者切口均达到一期愈合,术后随访半年以上症状改善优良率88%,1例症状改善不明显的患者,二期实施前路减压固定融合术后症状缓解,无1例出现继发性椎管狭窄。[结论]应用微形钛板固定的颈椎椎板成形术具有避免开门椎板再关闭,保持椎管扩大效果,同时对脊柱活动度影响小的优点,且操作简单,并发症少,适合临床运用。

    关键词:颈椎; 椎板成形; 椎管狭窄; 内植物

    Clinical application of cervical laminoplasty with Timesh plates∥WANG Wenjiu,YAO Nvzhao,LIU Lile,et alDepartment of Spinal Surgery,the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanhua University,Hunan 421001

    Abstract:[Objective]To introduce cervical laminoplasty fixation with Timesh plates in posterior open door decompression and evaluate its clinical outcomes[Method]A total of 27 cases with cervical spinal stenosis were treated by laminoplasty with mini titanium platesThe mean followingup time were 18 months[Result]All cases were primary healed,the preoperative symptoms were improved satisfactorily with 88% good to excellent outcome over 6 months followingupOne case without relief of nurological symptoms underwent an additional anterior multilevel corpectomyThe surgical lamina achieved bone fusion without stenosis[Conclusion]The laminoplasty with Timesh plates restore spinal posterior construction with less loss of range of motion and maintain larminar in open position without stenosisThe surgical procedure is easier to perform with less complication rates ......

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