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http://www.100md.com 《中华现代临床医学杂志》 2006年第13期
     [摘要] 目的 通过对术后患者的随访及信息反馈,了解后路椎间盘镜椎间盘摘除手术的微创程度,术后脊柱的稳定性,患者对该术式费用的接受心态及满意度,拓展后路椎间盘镜椎间盘摘除手术方式。方法 选择后路椎间盘镜椎间盘摘除手术适应证的患者。术前将椎间盘手术的3种手术方式详细告知患者,其内容包括手术切口的部位、切口的长短、对患者组织的损伤程度、容易产生的并发症及3种手术所产生的费用的比较,由患者慎重考虑自己选择,并以签字为证。结果 通过术后随访结果表明患者对后路椎间盘镜椎间盘摘除手术这一术式,特别是对微创的效果、脊柱的稳定性及产生的费用均满意度高。结论 后路椎间盘镜椎间盘摘除手术有明显的脊柱稳定性和微小的组织损伤,也节约了费用,是值得推广的手术方式。

    [关键词] 后路椎间盘镜椎间盘手术;椎间盘镜;术后随访

    Micro-endoscopic discectomy and the follow-up survey

    CHEN Ya-jun.

    Department of Anesthesiology,the First Affiliated Hospital,Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing 400016,China

    [Abstract] Objective To evaluate the micro-invasion of micro-endoscopic discectomy(MED),post-operative spinal stability,the patients’ receptance to the cost of MED,the patients’ satisfaction,and to improve MED procedure.Methods Ten patients were informed consent to MED in terms of the incision sites and size,the injuries to body,complications and the cost.Results The follow-up of 3~16 months,meaning 9.5 months,was performed.The patients’ satisfaction with MED was significant,which was focused on the micro-invasion,post-operative spinal stability and low expense.Conclusion MED is worthy of wide-use due to its micro-invasion and less expense. ......

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