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http://www.100md.com 2006年8月14日 《中国医药报》 2006.08.14

    Shop assistant:Hello! welcome!


    Customer:Please tell me where can I find a medicine for dizziness.


    Shop assistant:This way please!


    Customer:So many kinds! Which one should I choose?


    Shop assistant:What are the symptoms?


    Customer:Mainly dizziness and vomiting.


    Shop assistant:For a long time?


    Customer:No,only just now. It is my boy who is ill.


    Shop assistant:Did he take any medicine?How has his health been recently?


    Customer:He was fine.We have just been on the bus for one and a half hour.


    Shop assistant:It seems he is carsick.He can take“difenidol hy-drochloride”.Oh,did he take it before?


    Customer:Maybe there is some at home.


    Shop assistant:Well,you can buy a bottle and try it if you are sure he is not allergic to this medicine.


    Customer:How many times a day?


    Shop assistant:Three,and one or two tablets each time. If the symptoms go away,please stopp taking.

    丝停盒恍弧?br> Customer:Thanks a lot.


    Shop assistant:You are welcome,and I wish him a quick recovery., 百拇医药