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http://www.100md.com 《中华实用医药杂志》 2006年第13期
     【摘要】 目的 通过外科综合手术方法矫治唇裂术后遗留的鼻畸形。方法 本手术通过对鼻翼塌陷的矫正、鼻翼外侧脚外展的纠正和自体鼻中隔软骨移植或硅胶鼻支架假体短臂植入以增高鼻小柱和鼻尖,一次性完成鼻畸形的矫治。结果 2001~2006年共矫治30例患者,术后1~3年随访复查,效果满意。结论 通过综合矫治有效地矫正了鼻部畸形。

    【关键词】 单侧唇裂;继发鼻畸形;“L”型支架;综合矫治术

    Comprehensive correction of the nose deformity in the unilateral cleft lip

    WANG Li-hua, WANG Yong, HAN Cheng-min. Department of Burn and Plastic Surgery, Women and Children Health Protection Hospital of Wuxi City, Jiangsu 214002, China

    【Abstract】 Objective To develop a new method with using surgical procedures for comprehensive correction of the nose deformity in cleft lip.Methods The operation procedures through the correction of the sink nose-wing, grafting of the excised septum or the short and small L-shaped silicon rubber graft on the nose columella and nose tip, to realize the comprehensive correction of the deformities of the nose. Results 30 patients were treated with the method form 2001 to 2006, postoperative follow-up 1~3years, demonstrated satisfaction.Conclusion Multiple corrections are a new method of treatment for nose deformity with cleft lip. ......

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