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http://www.100md.com 《河北医学杂志》 2006年第8期
     摘要:目的:调查分析黄芪注射剂不良反应的特点及其产生原因。方法:检索1994年至2005年间CHKD期刊知识库(China Hospital Knowledge Database,即中国医院知识仓库,简称CHKD)中相关黄芪注射剂不良反应病例报道,按不良反应判定标准筛选病例41例,将病例建为数据库,对其进行统计、分析。结果:黄芪注射液所致的不良反应主要为变态反应,其中皮肤反应9例(占21.95%),过敏性休克5例(占12.19%),药物热8例(占19.51%),呼吸系统8例(占19.51%),其他11例(占26.82%)。结论:黄芪注射剂导致不良反应的原因较多,建议临床使用时综合考虑各因素,尽量避免不良反应的发生。

    关键词: 黄芪注射剂; 不良反应; 分 析

    Analysis of ADR Cases Induced by Huangqi Injection

    WANG Xiao-lu, LIU Xue-li

    (Qingdao Central Hospital, Shandong Qingdao 266042, China)

    Abstract: Objective: To explore the general rule and characteristics of adverse drug reaction (ADR) induced by Huangqi injection . Method: 41 ADR cases of Huangqi injection reported in China hospital knowledge database from 1994~2005 were collected and satistically analyzed .Result: The main ADR of Huangqi injection respectively were allergic reactions , then dermoreaction 9 cases (21.95%) , allergic shock 5 cases (12.19%) ,drug fever 8 cases (19.51%), the respiratory system damage 8 cases (19.51%) and the other system damage 11cases (26.82%). Conclusion: There were many factors related with the occurrence of ADRS to Huangqi injection. So, we should use Huangqi injection rationally and pay attention to the prevention and decreasion of ADR . ......

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