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Pork Intestine
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Pork Intestine
Pork Intestine

     Animals, Birds and Meat

    Pork Intestine



    The intestine of the animal Sus scrofa demestica Brisson, belonging to the Suidae family.


    Sweet in flavor, mild in nature, it is related to the channel of the large intestine.


    Stops diarrhea and bleeding, firms up proctoptosis (prolapse of the rectum and anus).


    1. For prolonged diarrhea:

    Stew the pork intestine for 45 minutes and consume it.

    2. For bleeding hemorrhoids:

    Grind 15 g. of sophora flower into powder and stuff them into the pork intestine. Knot tight the two ends of the intestine. Cook the intestine with rice and vinegar into porridge and consume it.

    Dosage and Administration:

    Stew, cook or boil in soup.

    Cautions on Use:

    Reference Materials:

    Toxic or Side Effects:

    Modern Researches:

    Pork intestine contains protein, fat, sugars, phosphorus, iron, calcium, etc., 百拇医药
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