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Sugar, Brown
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Sugar, Brown
Sugar, Brown


    Sugar, Brown



    Brown sugar is made by adding molasses to white sugar, which is derived from the juice of sugar cane and sugar beets. Once extracted, the sugar cane or sugar beet juice is processed extensively to produce a white, granulated substance. It is used commercially because it is sweeter than equal amounts of sucrose.


    Sweet in flavor, warm in nature, it is related to the spleen, stomach and liver channels.


    Benefits the spleen, vital energy circulation and good for digestion. In addition, it relieves pain, promotes blood circulation and removes stagnation.


    1. For diarrhoea due to evil cold:

    Prepare 50 ml millet wine and 10 g brown sugar. Boil together until the brown sugar dissolves. Drink at a draught.

    2. For deficiency of blood or irregular menstruation in women:

    Cook 2 chicken eggs with brown sugar. Drink after menstruation has stopped.

    Dosage and Administration:

    Brown sugar is used to sweeten hot and cold beverages, and are key ingredients in most baked goods.

    Store brown sugar in a dry place at room temperature.

    Cautions on Use:

    Reference Materials:

    Toxic or Side Effects:

    Modern Researches:

    Every 1 cup (220 g) of brown sugar, there are 827 calories and 214 g carbohydrate. Brown sugar contains mainly sucrose. There is also chlorophyll, xanthophyll, carrotene and inorganic salt in brown sugar., 百拇医药
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