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Sugar, Rock
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Sugar, Rock
Sugar, Rock


    Sugar, Rock



    Made from sugar cane or beets. There are different kinds of sugar, including brown, white and rock. Rock sugar is the ice-like rock crystal boiled and crystalized out of white granulated sugar.

    The Chinese have used sugar in savory dishes since ancient times and have developed a repertoire of this sweetener. Among these is rock (or yellow) sugar, which adds subtle, mellow flavor, as well as a translucent finish, to Chinese braised or "red roasted" dishes.


    Sweet in flavor, mild in nature, it is related to the channels of the lung and spleen.


    Invigorates the middle-jiao, replenishes qi, moistens the lung, benefits the spleen, vital energy circulation and good for digestion. In addition, it relieves pain, promotes blood circulation and removes stagnation.


    Rock sugar is used to treat cough and asthma due to dryness of the lung, deficiency of the lung, wind-cold pathogen and overwork; infantile malaria, fasting dysentery; toothache due to pathogenic wind-fire.

    For pharyngitis (inflammation of the pharynx), laryngitis (inflammation of the larynx) and coughing due to evil heat:

    Peel a piece of flesh from a whole orange. Put 15 g rock sugar into the interior of the orange. Replace the peel in the original site and fix it with a toothpick. Steam the orange in a bowl and consume.

    Dosage and Administration:

    To be decocted for internal use, or eaten together with rice or bread. It can be used as an ingredient of boluses or pills or soft extract.

    Cautions on Use:

    Reference Materials:

    Toxic or Side Effects:

    Modern Researches:

    Rock sugar contains mainly sucrose., http://www.100md.com
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