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    Herba Coriandrum sativum L


    Coriander is the whole plant of Coriandrum sativum L., an annual plant, of the family Apiaceae (Umbelliferae).

    Records of the use of coriander date to 5,000 BC. Native to the Mediterranean and Middle East regions, the Romans used it to flavor bread. It was once used as an aromatic and carminative. The food-herb is now cultivated in Europe, Morocco, and the United States for its seeds, which are used to flavor many foods, particularly sausages, curries, Scandinavian pastries, liqueurs, and confectionery, such as English comfits. Its delicate young leaves are also widely used in Latin-American, Indian, and Chinese dishes.
, 百拇医药
    The plant produces a slender, hollow stem 30 to 60 mm high with bipinnate leaves and small flowers in pink or whitish umbels. The fruits, or seeds, are two semiglobular fruits joined on the commisural, or inner, sides (a schizocarp), giving the appearance of a single, smooth, nearly globular fruit about 5 mm in diameter. They are yellowish brown and have a mild, fragrant aroma and aromatic taste similar to a combination of lemon peel and sage.

    Coriander is planted all over China for diet and medicinal use, picked and gathered when the fruit ripens in August and used when fresh or dried in the sun, it is cut into sections and used raw.
, 百拇医药
    See also Herbs, Herbs for Relieving Exterior Syndromes, Herbs for Dispelling Wind and Cold, Coriander.


    Pungent in flavor, warm in nature, it is related to the lung, spleen and stomach channels.


    Relieves exterior syndromes, promotes eruption, induces appetite, promotes digestion, keeps adverse qi flowing downward.
, http://www.100md.com

    Coriander is used to treat slow eruption of measles and food retention.

    Being pungent, warm, aromatic and dispersing, this food-herb can relieve exterior syndromes, dispel cold and promote eruption onto the superficies. For the treatment of exterior syndromes due to pathogenic wind-cold, measles without smooth eruption, the appearance of measles eruptions but then the symptoms recede again, it can be used alone by making a decoction for local fumigation and washing or in combination with other herbs that relieve exterior syndromes and promote eruption.
, 百拇医药
    In traditional Chinese thought, the condition of skin rash appearing in measles or German measles is an indication for its prognosis. Full eruption is believed to have a good prognosis. While those with scarce and gloomy eruptions are susceptible to complications such as pneumonia and other problems. Hence, assistance in skin rash eruptions is one of the best remedies for measles. Coriander is good to use in skin eruptions.

    Recipe example: Cut 50 g coriander into small pieces. Fry it with 200 g shredded pork and add suitable amount of soybean sauce and onion pieces. Serve it as a sidedish.
, 百拇医药
    In addition, this food-herb stimulates the appetite and promotes digestion, so it can be used for food therapy or as a seasoning in the diet.

    Dosage and Administration:

    3-6 g.

    To be eaten after quick-boiled in boiling water, stir-fried, or to be decocted for oral administration or external bathing. An adequate amount for external use.

    Cautions on Use:
, http://www.100md.com
    Coriander should be avoided by those who have measles without adequate eruption due to excessive toxic heat.

    Also, take note to use coriander at the right time, i.e., at the early stage of the disease when skin rash is scarce. When the disease enters its 3rd day or over, when eruptions are very dense, do not use it further, or the condition will be aggravated. Use it as a seasoning with other foods the patient likes.

    Reference Materials:
, 百拇医药
    'Supplementary Shen Nong's Herbal Classic with Pictures' :

    "It removes toxic heat from the limbs, alleviates headache, treats measles. If measles do not appear, make the coriander into a wine and spray it over the skin; they will appear immediately."

    'Compendium of Materia Medica' :

    "Being pungent, warm, aromatic and penetrating, coriander can spread its effects inward to the heart and spleen and outward to the limbs and is therefore to eliminate all pathogens."

    Toxic or Side Effects:

    Modern Researches:

    This food-herb contains a volatile oil, fatty acid, decanal, nonahal, linalool, potassium malate, vitamin C, aromatic alcohol, etc., 百拇医药
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