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    Maltose is the sugarish food made from fermentation of sweet rice, white rice, barley, wheat, corn, or sorghum.

    Maltose is a product of the enzymatic breakdown of starches during digestion. Maltose, which is readily hydrolyzed to glucose and can be metabolized by animals, is employed as a sweetening agent and as a food for infants whose tolerance for lactose is limited.


    Sweet in flavor, warm in nature, it is related to the channels of the spleen, stomach and lung.


    Benefits the spleen and the stomach, slows sudden illness, moistens lungs, relieves coughs, removes toxic effects.


    1. For poor appetite, fatigue, stomach pain, vomiting, etc., due to coldness and deficiency of the spleen and the stomach:

    Use maltose as seasoning in a soup that consists of cinnamon twig , white peony root, fresh ginger, Chinese dates and licorice.

    2. For unsettled foetus due to deficiency of the spleen:

    Boil 6 g amomum fruit with maltose for 25 minutes and drink the soup.

    3. For dry coughs, sore throat, shortness of breath, constipation due to lung heat:

    Steam the mixture of maltose and carrot juice together. Slowly swallow the mixture when it's still hot.

    Dosage and Administration:

    Swallow it slowly, or add water and drink it, or cook it with other food.

    Cautions on Use:

    Those with damp heat and stuffiness in the stomach should avoid consuming maltose.

    Reference Materials:

    Toxic or Side Effects:

    Modern Researches:, http://www.100md.com
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