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http://www.100md.com 2006年9月11日 《中国医药报》 2006.09.11

    Shop assistant:Hello!What can Ido for you?


    Customer:Do you have this medicine?


    Shop assistant:“Glucurolactone”,yes.


    Customer:Is it for hepatitis?


    Shop assistant:Yes,supplementary treatment.


    Customer:The doctor diagnosed that I have got hepatitis,and he askedme to buy this medicine.I am afraid I might get worse.


    Shop assistant:You are too worried!Hepatitis is no more difficult totreat with the advanced medical treatment presently available.


    Customer:How does the medicine act?I have never heard of it before?


    Shop assistant:It can improve the liver''s function of detoxication.You know,when liver cells are damaged,their detoxication function is re-duced.But"glucurolactone"can be turned into glucuronate by acting toget-her with ferment after entering your body,and then it combines with sometoxins to change into a glucuronate combination with little or even no toxins.Finally,the glucuronate combination will be excreted with urine.Thus it achieves the aim of protecting your liver.


    Customer:Thank you,I have learned much through your explanation,and will buy abottle.


    Shop assistant:Please pay over there,and wish you a soon recovery.


    Customer:Thanks a lot.

    (赵喜君 华铮 王立峰), http://www.100md.com(赵喜君;华铮;王立峰)