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http://www.100md.com 2006年9月28日







    Musée d'Orsay

    The Orsay Railway Station, built by architect Victor Laloux, was inaugurated on 14th July 1900 on the eve of the World Fair and was only used as a station until 1939. The idea of a museum arose in 1973 and it was finally inaugurated on 1st December 1986 after the redesigning of the station's interior. The Musée d'Orsay presents the arts and artistic creativity of the period from 1848 to 1914 through its collections of paintings, the decorative arts, sculpture and photography. It has one of the leading collections of Impressionist art in the world. Highlights of the collection include works by Manet, Cézanne, Renoir, Van Gogh, Monet and Rodin.

    Boat Tours

    Bateaux Mouches runs the biggest tour boat company on the Seine. Cruises depart from and return to the Pont de l'Alma and pass the Statue of Liberty and Eiffel Tower in the west, andIle St-Louis in the east. The night time spectacle of Paris shimmering off the Seine on a summer evening is an unforgettable experience. (See http://www.bateauxmouches.com).


    由建筑师维克多·拉卢缔造的奥塞火车站于1900年7月14日在万国博览会前夕落成开幕, 并且在1939年之前一直都只是作为车站来使用的。1973年,用作博物馆的想法出炉,在对车站内部进行重新设计后,最终于1986年12月1日落成开幕。通过油画、装饰艺术、雕塑和摄影等藏品,奥赛博物馆展示了1848到1914年期间的艺术和艺术创造力。它拥有世界一流的印象派艺术藏品。这批藏品的精华包括马奈、塞尚、雷诺阿、凡高、莫奈和罗丹等人的作品。



    Getting There

    Air France flies direct from Beijing and Shanghai to Paris's Charles de Gaulle airport. British Airways, Finnair and Aeroflot all offer flights with one change of planes.



    stroll /str9ul/ v.漫步

    drink in 陶醉于;吸取

    vibrant /`vaibr9nt/ adj.有活力的;生机勃勃的

    landmark /`l2ndm3k/ n.地界标

    souvenir /`s6v9ni9/ n.纪念品

    decor /`deik5/ n.装潢

    reminiscent /remi`nis(9)nt/ adj.使人联想……的

    gastronomic /,G2str9u`n4mik/ adj.美食

    ground level地平面

    linchpin /`lintHpin/ n.关键

    thoroughfare /`F7r9f^/ n.干道

    in existence 现存

    commission /k9`miH9n/ vt.命令;委任

    basilica /b9`zilik9/ n.长方形基督教堂

    winding /`waindiM/ adj.蜿蜒的;迂回的

    panoramic /,p2n9`r2mik/ adj.全景的

    masterpiece /`m3st9p1s/ n.杰作;名著

    gothic /`G4Fik/ adj.哥特式的

    envision /in`viE9n/ vt.构想

    antique /2n`t1k/ adj.古时的

    precede /pri(:)`s1d/ v.先于

    moat /m9ut/n.护城河

    sculpture /`sk7lptH9/ n.雕刻品;雕塑

    Mecca /`mek9/ n.圣地;麦加

    house /haus/ vt.容纳

    contemporary /k9n`temp9r9ri/ adj.当代的

    arrondissement /,2r4n`d1s`m3M/ n.法国的行政区

    obelisk /`4bilisk/ n.方尖碑

    Bastille Day 巴士底日(法国国庆日)

    inaugurate /i`n5GTreit/ vt.为……举行开幕(落成)仪式

    Useful Websites


    法国旅游局网站: cn.franceguide.com (中文)

    巴黎旅游局网站: zh.parisinfo.com (中文)

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