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http://www.100md.com 2006年9月28日

    头发、脸上都沾满了泥浆,额前耷拉着几缕被汗浸湿的头发,T恤污迹斑斑……站在他们当中我脑子里唯一闪过的是“悲壮”两个字,突然有种深深的感动…… 那一刻一切都停滞了,引擎轰鸣,心跳加速,天地之间只有赛车和我……是的,这不仅仅是冲破极限,挑战自我,更是一次突破,一次浴火重生的洗礼……

    Motorsport Isn't Just "Fast Cars and Hot Chicks"



    在汽车运动界,通常把汽车赛分为“Race”(竞速)和“Rally”(拉力)两种。在“Race”中则首推“F1”赛事,它是在特定的环行封闭场地(即“Circuit”)进行的比赛。“F1”是“Formula 1”的简写,是“Formula 1 Grand Prix”的缩称(译成中文就是“一级方程式大奖赛”)。这项比赛的正式全称是“国际汽联一级方程式赛车世界锦标赛”,即“FIA Formula One World Championship”,是目前世界上速度最快、费用最昂贵、技术最高的比赛,是赛车运动中等级最高的一种。

    与之相对,“Rally”则是指在一般道路或原野上,在事先设定好的赛道上划出20到30处被称为SS(Special Stage)的赛段(每个赛段最短3公里,最长可达30公里),赛车手驾车以最快速度通过赛段,累计用时最短者即为冠军。它与“F1”等场地车赛的最大区别在于,错开时间出发的赛车手是在完全看不见对手的情况下进行比赛的,而且都配备一名领航员,坐在副驾的位置上。属于世界级的拉力赛有“巴黎-达喀尔”汽车拉力赛,总行程超过一万公里,也被称为“马拉松越野赛”,该比赛以路程长、条件苦而闻名。


    Motor Racing's Governing Body 汽车大赛的管理组织

    Federation International of Automobile(FIA) 国际汽车联合会

    Since its birth in 1904, the Federation International of Automobile, the FIA, has been dedicated to representing the interests of motoring organizations and motor car users throughout the world. It is also the governing body of motor sport worldwide. This combination of road and track give the FIA a unique responsibility as an independent world body concerned with a wide range of automotive, motoring and mobility issues.


    The Federation of Automobile Sports of the People's Republic of China (www.sport.org.cn/qiche/, FASC for short) as an independent legal person, is a national sports organization. Under the leadership of China National General Administration Bureau of Sports (China Sports Bureau), apart from managing, supervising and guiding the auto sports in China, FASC is responsible for the auto sports development. A member of the Federation of International Automobile (FIA), FASC is authorized to supervise the execution and popularization of the articles of association and sports rules of FIA in China. Previously known as China Association of Motorcycle Sports, FASC is the authority of auto racing in China.

    About Rallying

    Rallying pits man and machine against any and all kinds of conditions. From dusty deserts in blazing heat to gravel and mud in the pouring rain and everything in between, rally drivers compete to get the fastest time over some of the most difficult public roads around. This unique motorsport is distinguished by running not on a circuit but instead in a point-to-point format. A rally course consists of a sequence of relatively short (up to about 50km) timed stages where the competition takes place and untimed "transport stages" where the rally cars must be driven under their own power to the next competitive stage.

    A Festival of Speed群雄割据 各族鼎立


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     (温 珊)