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http://www.100md.com 2006年9月28日



    凯旋门屹立于香榭丽舍大街最西端的星型广场的中心位置。它是“历史轴线”(法语中称为“L'Axe historique”)上的关键建筑,该轴线由卢浮宫庭院延伸而出,直通巴黎城外,沿线建有一系列纪念建筑和宽阔大道。凯旋门的高度超过了51米,宽45米。它是现存第二大的凯旋拱门(朝鲜为了庆祝金日成70大寿曾于1982年修建了一座稍大一些的凯旋门)。在奥斯特里斯告捷后,位于人生巅峰的拿破仑·波拿巴于1806年下令建造了它。





    Musée du Louvre

    The Louvre Museum presents collections of western art from the Middle Ages to 1850, and the antique civilisations that preceded and influenced this art. They are divided into 8 departments: Oriental Antiquities, Islamic Art, Egyptian Antiquities, Greek, Etruscan and Roman Antiquities and, for the modern period, Paintings, Sculptures, Art items, and Prints and Drawings until 1848. In addition to these departments, the museum presents a section devoted to the history of the Louvre, including the medieval moats installed by Philippe Auguste in 1190.

    Among the thousands of priceless paintings is Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa, perhaps the most famous painting in the world. Works of artists like Rembrandt, Rubens, Titian and Poussin can also be seen. Among the well-known sculptures in the collection are the Winged Victory of Samothrace and the Venus de Milo.

    Centre Georges Pompidou

    The architecture of the Georges Pompidou Centre, which marked the 1970s with its high tech appearance, provided a daring contrast to the old traditional aspect of the Beaubourg area.

    This Mecca of modern and contemporary culture houses the National Museum of Modern Art/Industrial Design centre, public information library open to all, exhibition galleries, cinemas, show and concert halls and a contemporary music research centre. The National Museum of Modern Art represents one of the world's finest collections of modern and contemporary art from 1905 to the present day, including Miró, Giacometti, Dubuffet, Picasso, Matisse, Léger, Chagall, Kandinsky and Warhol.


    With its cinemas, cafés, restaurants and luxury specialty shops, the Champs-lysées is one of the most famous streets in the world. This avenue, the most expensive shopping street in Europe, runs for three km through the 8th arrondissement, from the Place de la Concorde in the east, with its obelisk, to the Place de l'toile in the west, location of the Arc de Triomphe. The Champs-lysées forms part of the Axe historique. Every year on Bastille Day, the largest military parade in Europe passes down the Champs-lysées, reviewed by the President of the Republic.The Champs-lysées is also the traditional end of the last stage of the Tour de France.



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