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http://www.100md.com 2006年9月28日

    Director: Bryan Singer

    Written by:

    Michael Dougherty & Dan Harris


    Brandon Routh Clark Kent/Superman

    Kate BosworthLois Lane

    Kevin Spacey Lex Luthor

    James Marsden Richard White

    Parker PoseyKitty Kowalski

    Frank Langella Perry White

    Rating: PG-13 (US), 12A (UK)

    Runtime: 154 min

    Distribution: Warner Bros

    The original superhero finally returns to the cinema screens of the world this year. Created in 1938 by artist Joe Shuster and writer Jerry Siegel, Superman is perhaps the most iconic and enduring superhero character ever created.

    超级英雄的始祖终于在今年重返全球影院的大银幕了 ......

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