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http://www.100md.com 2006年9月28日
    Christabella: We know. Even the children know about your daughter. Why you won't just name the father. You've brought sin amongst us. The faithful must gather in judgement, for we are called to purify this filth.

    Allesa: What does she mean, Mommy?

    Christabella: You're weak, my dear sister. You always were. Trust us, Dahlia, have faith in our virtue. We will restore innocence.

    Demon: They have met many times since the town was built to restore innocence and purity. They had special place for that. Do you remember the hotel? I led you to all these places. You were very good at following my clues.

    Christabella: You may leave, Dahlia. We fight sin, not the sinner.

    Allesa: Mommy, Mommy! Mommy!

    Demon: You know how that feels, don't you, Rose? To lose your little girl.

    Dahlia: What have I done?

    Christabella: We've not heard the demon.

    Allesa: No!

    Christabella: Once again we're locked in mortal battle.

    Demon: They thought they knew how to cast out evil.

    Christabella: Praise God for our clarity. Praise the innocent - for their sacrifice.

    Demon: But you should be careful when you fight evil.

    Chritabella: ...and our unity.

    Demon: The weapons can turn back on you.

    (The church is on fire, everyone is screaming and getting burned)

    Demon: Now you know why Dahlia is broken. She tried to get help but she went too late. There were good people in the town, people like you, Rose. People who like to help. Allesa was so lonely and hurt, and scared. They should have known better than to hurt her so badly. When you're hurt and scared for so long, your fear and pain turn to hates... and they hate. Allesa's hate grew and grew, burning inside her. Her hate got so strong, she even hurt someone who was only curious. That's when I came. I told her it was their turn. I promised they would all fall into her darkest dream. Now, Rose, we must talk.

    四 与魔鬼的契约


    Demon: Don't be afraid. She won't hurt you. She needs your help.

    Rose: Who is she?

    Demon: She is Allesa.

    Rose: Then who are you?

    Demon: I have many names. Right now, I'm the dark part of Allesa.

    Rose: Where is my child?

    Demon: She is not your child, she is hers. The little girl is what's left of her goodness. We hid her in safety, in a world outside this hell. Now the dream of this life must end and so too must the dreamers within it. For over thirty years, they've lied to their own souls. For thirty years, they've denied their own fate. But now is the End of Days and I am the reaper.

    Rose: What do you want?

    Demon: All we ask for is satisfaction.

    Rose: Satisfaction?

    Demon: Revenge.

    Rose: Why me?

    Demon: You chose. You chose Sharon. Christabella will find Sharon, she plans to purify her.

    Rose: Oh, God, no.

    Demon: Their blind conviction repels me from their church. I can not enter while they deny their fate. But you can.

    Rose: Just tell me what I need to do.

    Demon: Tell them the truth.

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