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http://www.100md.com 2006年9月28日
    Christabella: Are you a person of faith?

    Rose: I love my daughter.

    Christabella: That's not what I asked.

    Rose: Who are you to judge?

    Christabella: We judge because the souls of history hang in the balance. Because our faith has never failed us - our faith keeps the darkness of Hell at bay.

    Rose: Then use your faith to help me find my little girl.

    Chritabella: Only the demon knows where she is.

    Rose: Then tell me, where do I find this demon?

    Chritabella: No one has ever returned from the core of the darkness where the demon lies in wait.

    Cybil: She's not gonna help us, let's just go.

    Christablle: If you wish to face the demon to find your daughter, I won't stop you.

    Adam: Christablle, they can't go down...

    Chritablle: Silence, Adam. Perhaps your faith will protect you. Perhaps not.

    Rose: If you don't want to do this, I'll understand. Sharon's adopted, but I'm her mother and knew that from the moment I first laid eyes on her.

    Cybil: She's lucky to have you. Mother is God in the eyes of a child.

    (Christabella picks up a necklace that was dropped by Rose and brings them to the room that leads to the demon)

    Christabella: Quiet. We're in his domain now. Look at this map, memorize it. The memory may save your life. Do you see this room?

    Rose: Yep.

    Christabella: That is where the darkness lies. The demon is in the bowels of this building. It hides behind the face of an innocent.

    Cybil: You mean a child?

    Christabella: Don't believe your eyes. Your eyes will lie to you. Faith is the only truth. I will pray for you, Rose, but I won't expect you and your friend to return. Goodbye.

    (Rose starts to memorize the map)

    Rose: Left, right, left, left, right, right...

    Cybil: Rose, she is killing you. Rose!

    Rose: Let me do this. I need to do this.

    (Christabella's assistants open the door that leads to the demon)

    One man: Take this. They'll be drawn to the light but you won't be able to see without it.

    Rose: Thank you. So this thing actually works?

    Christabella: It will. If the demon wants you it will. Forgive me, we've lived too long as scavengers, I believe this is yours.

    (Christabella shows the necklace to Rose and notices the girl in the picture is the same as Allesa)

    Christabella: Witch! Her child is the likeness of Allesa. Her child is Allesa's, stop her! Don't let the witches go down!

    (Cybil tries her best to stop the guys who want to catch Rose)

    Cybil: Get off her! Find her.

    (Cybil closes the door)

    Rose: No, wait, Cybil! Cybil, open the door!

    三 真相大白


    Demon: Congratulations, Rose. You are here. You did it. Your reward is the truth. Did you see that Allesa was a good little girl? Even though nobody looked at her that way. Their parents told them she was bad. She didn't have a father like they did. Allesa was alone in the world. You know what can happen to little girls when they're left alone. Even her mother couldn't help. Even though she loved her baby... but the rest of the family didn't love Allesa. They were just like the others, they made her scared.

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