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http://www.100md.com 2006年9月28日
    Q: What is your stance on fighting the terrorists?

    A: Well, I would say that it is a very tricky question. Um, I think our president has done a pretty good job of sending our troops to protect the United States and also other countries. But in the same respect, um, it is a hard one. I mean, I am in the military and personally, I am content that I haven't been deployed over there, but I know ultimately if I am deployed, then I have a responsibility, and I wouldn't shirk that responsibility. But I think we're doing the right thing, I think we are trying to make America and neighboring countries safe and I think the terrorists could strike any time now.

    Q: Great! Time is up and thanks for taking the interview with us!

    A: Thank you! I appreciate it.>>

    break ground 破土;创办

    erect /i`rekt/ vt.建立;树立

    unprecedented /7n`presid9ntid/ adj.空前的

    truss /tr7s/ n.(支撑屋顶、桥等的)桁架

    core /k5/ n.[建](安装电梯、楼梯或管道的)井道;核心

    alloy /`2l4i/ n.合金

    afar /9`f3/ adv.遥远地

    lower /`l9u9/ adj.南部的

    marvel /`m3v9l/ n.奇迹

    capitalistic /,k2pit9`listik/ adj.资本主义的

    values /`v2l(z/ n.价值观念

    superiority /sju(:)pi9ri`4riti/ n.优越

    skyline /`skailain/ n.地平线;以天空为背景映出轮廓

    hijack /`haidE2k/ vt.劫持

    en route /4n`r6t/ adv.在途中

    implode /im`pl9ud/ vi.向内破裂

    horrendous /h4`rend9s/ adj.可怖的;令人惊恐的

    unfold /7n`f9uld/ v.呈现;展开

    live /l@v/ adv.以实况地

    catastrophe /k9`t2str9fi/ n.大灾难;大祸

    destroyer /dis`tr4i9/ n.驱逐舰

    trauma /`tr5m9/ n.精神上的创伤;身体上的伤

    profound /pr9`faund/ adj.深刻的;意义深远的

    mourn /m5n/ v.哀悼;忧伤

    inequity /in`ekwiti/ n.不公平;不公正

    instigate /`instiGeit/ v.鼓动

    lofty /`l4(:)fti/ adj.崇高的

    justify /`dE7stifai/ v.证明......有道理

    retributive /retri`bjutiv/ adj.惩罚的;报应的

    escalation /,esk9`leiH9n/ n.增加;扩大

    eradicate /i`r2dikeit/ v.根除

    diminution /,dimi`n(H9n/ n.减少;减低

    indiscriminate /,indis`kriminit/ adj.不分皂白的;不加


    skyscraper /`skaiskreip9(r)/ n.摩天大楼

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     (Chris Maxon)