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http://www.100md.com 2006年9月28日


    Paris - international city of culture, fashion and romance. And the shopping's not bad either. Home to many famous monuments and museums, Paris is best enjoyed not as a series of tourist sights but as a general experience. Wander through the Latin Quarter, stroll through the Jardin de Luxembourg, take a cruise along the river Seine and drink in the atmosphere of one of the most beautiful, vibrant cities in the world.

    Tour Eiffel

    The Eiffel Tower, undoubtedly the Paris landmark and must-see monument, is 324 metres high and weighs a total of 10,000 tons. Built for the World Fair in 1889, the tower took two years, two months and five days to complete.

    You can take the stairs or the lift up. There are souvenir shops and the Altitude 95 restaurant with its decor reminiscentof an airship on the first level, while the second level offers an opportunity to enjoy a gastronomic menu at the smart Jules Verne restaurant, 125 metres above ground level. Once you get to the third and final platform, you'll be up there among the clouds with an amazing 360-degree view of the city.

    Arc de Triomphe

    The Arc de Triomphe stands in the centre of the Place de l'toile, at the western end of the Champs-lysées. It is the linchpin of the "historic axis" (L'Axe historique) leading from the courtyard of the Louvre Palace, a sequence of monuments and grand thoroughfares on a route leading out of Paris. The monument stands over 51 metres in height and is 45 metres wide. It is the second largest triumphal arch in existence (North Korea built a slightly larger Arch of Triumph in 1982 for the 70th birthday of Kim Il-Sung). It was commissioned in 1806, after the victory at Austerlitz, by Napoleon Bonaparte at the peak of his fortunes.

    Basilique Sacré Coeur de Montmartre

    Sitting at the highest point in the city, the white-domed Sacré Coeur basilica is one of the most visible landmarks in Paris. Making your way up through the winding streets of Montmartre rewards you with not only the spectacular church, built with donations from the public in the 19th century, but also a panoramic view across the city.

    Cathédrale Notre Dame de Paris

    One of the most famous churches in the world, and a masterpiece of gothic architecture, the Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral, originally envisioned by Bishop Maurice de Sully, was built between the 12th and the 14th centuries (1163-1345). All French road distances are established from the "0 km" point located on the square in front of the cathedral entrance. Notre Dame de Paris stands on the site of Paris' first Christian church, Saint-tienne Basilica, which was itself built on the site of a Gallo-Roman temple to Jupiter.




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