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http://www.100md.com 《中华现代临床护理学杂志》 2006年第8期
     [摘要] 语言是人类信息交流的重要工具,护理人员在心理护理中正确运用语言能够直接影响到患者的情绪,同时调动患者的积极性,配合治疗,消除恐惧疑虑、正视疾病,正确认识治疗的必要性和重要性,增强战胜疾病的信心,使患者早日康复。

    [关键词] 语言;心理护理;运用

    The usage of language in psychological nurse

    LIU Fang,ZHANG Wei-ying.Depantment of Geriatrics,Hospital of Xilingol League,Mongolia 026000,China

    [Abstract] Language is an important tool of mankind’s information interchange.The languages of nursing staff not only affect directly the patient’s health,but also mobilize the patient’s initiative to coordinate the treatment and free language makes the patient file the disease squarely.Know the necessity and the importance of treatment and heighten the patient’s confidence of vanquishing the disease to restore earlier.

    [Key words] language;psychological;usage;nursing

    语言在心理护理中起着重要的作用,使用美好得体的语言与患者进行有效的交谈不仅使患者感到温暖和安全 ......

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