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http://www.100md.com 《中华现代眼耳鼻喉科杂志》 2006年第2期
     [摘要] 目的 向颅内进展的鼻窦巨大囊肿在耳鼻咽喉科领域的发病率较为少见,而近年来国内外也时有发生,本文旨在使耳鼻喉科医生对此病有一完整认识,以达到能够安全、正确的对其进行治疗。方法 结合我科对该病的手术治疗典型病例及国际医疗界近年来对该病的诊断、治疗现状进行阐述。结果 鼻窦大囊肿大部分发生于额窦,易于使额窦内侧板破坏消失,眶壁骨质破坏,向颅内进展压迫脑实质成月牙形,向下进展至眼球移位。疾病早期患者多无明显症状出现。治疗以手术为主(根据病例手术式不同)。注意点:防止脑疝;防止脑脊液漏;防止感染是其重点。结论 (1)男性较多见;(2)高龄者较多见;(3)诊断:使用CT扫描对颅骨的了解清楚实用(颅底骨、眼眶壁骨、鼻窦骨壁);(4)使用MRI以了解囊肿的内在实质有利于鉴别诊断;(5)根据病例选择手术术式;(6)并发症可有脑脊液漏、脑炎、脑膜炎、脑脓肿等。

    [关键词] 囊肿;诊断;治疗

    Diagnosis and treatment of frontal sinus macro cyst progress to cranium

    MIAO Shunlai,PEI Xianglian,LI Shuyi,et al.The Ninth Hospital of Tangshan,Tangshan 063000,China

    [Abstract] Objective To elucidate diagnosis,treatment and allention aspects of frontal sinus macro cyst progress to cranium.Methods Patients in our department were analysed,and literature were reviewed in this consideration.Results Nasal sinus macro cyst occurred in frontal sinus,easily destroy frontal sinus medial part,iubstance of orbital wall,oppress cerebrum,and relocate eyeball.Surgery is the main method to treat it.It is must be attention to prevent cerebral hernia,leakage of cerebrospinal fluid and infection.Conclusion Male and aged are susceptible population.CT is an useful diagnosis tool,MRI for differetiating.The procedure selection based on patient’s condition.complications are leakage of cerebrospinal fluid,encephalitis,meningitis and pyencephalus. ......

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