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http://www.100md.com 《中国社会医学杂志》 2006年第3期
     【摘要】 临终关怀是一门以临终病人生理、心理特征和临终照护实践规律为研究对象的新兴边缘学科,其目的在于使临终前病人的生命质量得到提高,减轻其肉体及精神上的痛苦,使其平静、舒适、无痛地度过人生的最后时光。根据我国国情改进临终关怀模式, 改善伦理环境,加强政府支持和社会资助,有助于临终关怀事业在我国的发展。

    【关键词】 临终关怀; 社会医学; 伦理

    The Development and Prospect of Palliative Care

    WANG Yumei, XIAO Shiqi, FENG Guohe. The Second of Filiated Hospital of China Medical University, Shenyang,110004, China

    【Abstract】 Palliative care is a newly rising kind of marginal subject. It studies the physiological and psychological traits of dying patients and the rule of death care practice to these patients. The purpose of palliative care is to improve dying patients' quality of life, alleviate their physical and psychological suffering, and make them spending their last days of life in peace, happiness, and painlessness. Improving the model of palliative care and the ethical environment according to the actual condition of our country, and strengthening support from government and society can facilitate the development of hospice project in our country.

    【Key words】 Palliative care; Social medicine; Ethic

    “临终关怀”( hospice 或hosepice care或palliative care)一词起源于早年的西方 ......

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