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http://www.100md.com 《河北北方学院学报》 2006年第2期
     【摘要】 目的:观察高浓度铅接触对红细胞形态的影响,并了解其对铅中毒的临床提示价值。方法:昆明种成年雄性小鼠15只,随机分成两组,实验组10只饮用2g/L硝酸铅溶液(1251mgPb2+/L)染毒,共50d。每10d切尾涂片一次,分别镜检计数含HowellJolly小体RBC,嗜碱性点彩RBC,嗜多色性RBC及低色素性RBC的出现率。结果:在50d的实验时间内,染毒组小鼠四种异常RBC出现率均随染毒时间而增加(095
    【关键词】 铅中毒;红细胞;异常形态

    Influence of High Concentration Lead on the Form of Red Blood Cell in Rats

    WEN Xiaoyan,SHANG Wanjun,LIU Xiangdong

    Hebei North University,Zhangjiakou,075000,Hebei China

    【ABSTRACT】 Objective:To observe the change of red blood cell when poisoned by high concentration lead, and determine the value of abnormal erythrocyte to point out clinical significance.Methods:Fifteen kunming mice (male and adult) were randomly divided into two groups. Experiment group with ten mice was produced by drinking water(1251mgPb2+/L) to induce lead overload. The control group drinked deionized water. On the 10th ,20th ,30th,40th and 50th day, cut the tail of each mouse to make blood smears, stained the smears by Wrights method, and counted the erythrocyte containing HowellJolly bodies, or containing basophilic stipplings, or showing polychromatophilia, or showing hypochromic.Results:The four kinds of abnormal erythrocyte were all increased with the days of lead poisoning(095

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