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http://www.100md.com 《中国社会医学杂志》 2006年第3期
     【摘要】 目的 了解基本医疗保险费用变化趋势及费用项目构成,分析趋势变化原因,并提出合理化建议。方法 采用Excel 2003 和SQL server 2000的Analysis Service软件,在构建多维数据集的基础上,对基本医疗保险费用进行趋势变化的描述性统计分析。结论 医疗保险逐渐成为医院补偿的主要渠道,在控制医疗费用不合理增长的同时,也要合理地使用医疗保险基金。

    【关键词】 基本医疗保险; 费用构成; 趋势分析

    Analysis on the Composing of Basic Medical Insurance Expenditure and its Trend in Hospital

    LIU Wei, XIA Lei, CHEN Min. Hubei Armed Military General Hospital, Wuhan, 430061, China

    【Abstract】 Objectives To find out the changing trend of the basic medical insurance expenditure and its composing, to analyze the cause of the changing trend, and then to bring forward some suggestions. Methods The data was analyzed to describe the changing trend of the basic medical insurance expenditure by using Excel 2003 and SQL server 2000. Conclusions Medical insurance is becoming the main compensation channel for hospital, when controlling the irrational increase of medical expenditure, we should make use of the medical insurance fund rationally.

    【Key words】 Basic medical insurance; Expenditure composing; Trend analysis

    自2002年7月启动了基本医疗保险工作 ......

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