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http://www.100md.com 《河北北方学院学报》 2006年第2期
     【摘要】 目的:探讨不同类型大鼠左心室流出道电活动改变与Na+K+ATPase活动之间的关系。方法:采用Wistar鼠、SpragueDawley大鼠(SD)、自发性高血压大鼠(SHR)及盐性高血压大鼠(SDSa),酶学方法测定其左心室流出道区域Na+K+ATPase活性。用细胞内记录方法引导该区的静息电位(RP)、动作电位幅度(APA)、0相最大除极速度(Vmax)及动作电位时程(APD)。结果:SHR的RP、APA及Vmax与Wistar鼠该三项指标相比无显著差异,但APD明显较Wistar鼠延长,Na+K+ATPase活性明显低于Wistar鼠;SD鼠各项指标与Wistar鼠无显著差异;SDSa鼠的RP、APA与SD鼠相比无显著差异,但Vmax明显低于SD鼠,APD明显缩短,Na+K+ATPase活性明显低于SD鼠,但与SHR无显著差异。结论:左心室流出道电活动改变与其Na+K+ATPase活性关系不大,可能与膜离子通透性有关。

    【关键词】 不同类型大鼠;左心室流出道;电活动;Na+K+ATPase

    Function of Na+K+ATPase Activity Change in

    Left Ventricular Outflow Tract of Different Rats

    JIAO Hong, MA Jianwei, QIU Liying

    Department of physiology, Hebei North University, Zhangjiakou,075000,Hebei China

    【ABSTRACT】 Objective:To study the relationship between the electric potential of left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) and the activity of Na+K+ATPase of LVOT from different kinds of rats.Methods:The activity of Na+K+ATPase of LVOT was measured by the enzymologic method in Wastar rats, SpragueDawley rats, spontaneously hypertensive rats and saline hypertensive rats. The electrophysiological parameters, resting potential (RP), amplitude of action potential (APA), maximal rate of depolarization of phase 0 (Vmax) and duration of action potential (APD) were intracellularlly recorded.Results:There was no significantdifference between spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and Wistar rats in the RP,APA, and Vmax. But in SHR, ......

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