[摘要] 目的 探讨人工手推注射法Gd-DTPA动态增强MRI对小肝癌的诊断价值。方法 搜集16例(21个病灶)经临床和病理证实的小肝癌MR扫描资料,包括平扫及人工手推法动态增强扫描。结果 平扫T2WI多呈高信号,T1WI多呈低信号,少数呈等或高信号。23.81%可见假包膜。MRI平扫与动态增强对小肝癌诊断的准确率分别66.67%和95.24%(P<0.05)。结论 人工手推法Gd-DTPA动态增强较平扫MRI能提高小肝癌的定性准确率。[关键词] 人工注射法;动态增强;磁共振扫描;小肝癌
Evaluation of dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI by manual injection in the diagnosis of small HCC
TIAN Xu-yu,CHEN Jian-bo,ZHANG Xian-dong,et al.General Hospital of Daqing Oilfield,Daqing 163001,China
[Abstract] Objective To study the diagnostic value of dynamic gadolinium-enhanced MR imaging in small hepotacellular carcinoma (SHCC) by manual injection.Methods The scan date by MRI of 16 cases (21 lesions) with SHCC confirmed by pathology clinic were reviewed, include plain scan and dynamic contrast-enhanced scan by manual injection.Results On plain scan, most SHCC showed hyperdensity on T2WI. Most SHCC showed hypodensity and a few showed isodensity or hyperdensity on T1WI. Pseudocapsule can be detected in 23.81% cases. On dynamic-enhanced MRI, 17 lesions were hypervascular and 4 lesions were hypovascular. Pesudocapsule can be detected in 57.14% cases. The diagnostic accuracy of plain MRI scan and the Gd-DTPA dynamic-enhanced MRI on SHCC were 66.67% and 95.24% (P<0.05).Conclusion Compared with plain scan, Gd -DTPA dynamic-enhanced MRI by manual injection can promote the diagnostic accuracy of SHCC. ......
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